Health is "the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit". There are many varying opinions as to what is healthy and what is not. My primary guide to knowing what is right for myself and my family is to read, study, ponder, and pray. Throughout my life the results of my efforts have evolved as I have evolved and my understanding has evolved. I continue to seek and find a better way knowing that there's always room for improvement. Sometimes I have followed health advice that I thought was right only to find that with a bit more research and learning it was wrong for me, or my family. I still struggle with understanding all of the information I gather, knowing if the source is trustworthy, and sorting through valid reasoning or manipulated results. My focus for now is to find tools that will help me come to understand what healthy means to me, and to change my environment and routines to better practice the truths that I learn for myself.


Planning and preparing what we put into our mouths can be one of the most frustrating and confusing things to figure out for those who are conscientious about such things.


Many people obsess about getting regular exercise. Being active is very important, but what that looks like for one may look completely different for another.


Preventing burn-out is a very vital goal in maintaining ones health and well-being. Finding a balance that fits you and your family situation will go a long way to a healthy and happy life.


There are many online, local, and published resources to research as you strive to find answers to your questions concerning personal and family health.