I have been a parent for over 12 years now, which isn't all that long, but I do have "feelings" of what's best for me and my child. I don't believe that there is any ONE way to raise a child. We're each born into this world with our own spirits, bodies, and character. I feel that a child needs to be close to their parents, knowing and trusting that their needs will be met. I think that many try too hard to get their babies to grow up too fast. It seems that there is a race to see whose baby is self-soothing, self-entertaining, and self-sufficient the soonest. I'm content to let my baby act as a baby with a little gentle encouragement on my part to help them grow into each stage of their development. It's a sacrifice to have a child, each with varying degrees of needs, but it's a good investment of your time and energy. I learn more every day with my mistakes and successes. We grow with our children and can't expect to have all the answers without first the experience. And even then we may still search for a better way.
Below you will find the results of my research in my various concerns and topics of interest in regards to parenting.
Baby Signing
Communication has always been a struggle between me and my children when they are young. All of my children have had speech delays for unknown reasons. The specialists have all thrown their hands in the air and have fingered genetics as the culprit with very little else to attribute to their delays. With my first child I became interested in Baby Signing. I had taken some American Sign Language courses before marriage and really enjoyed it. My love for the language sparked this interest for learning and applying Baby Signing with my first child. Admittedly I didn't use it so much and wish I had looked into it more than I had. I have used a few basic signs with all of my children, and with what I have used I have had success. It is a goal of mine to more utilize this communication tool with my babies because I have seen enough to realize it can aid in the communicative efforts between parent and child when there are delays of speech, and perhaps even when there are not. I have collected a few websites that may be of interest to those wishing to learn more about Baby Signing (some are commercial sites but have interesting content).
Baby Sign Language - Comments made by a dad about Baby Sign Language that I found encouraging.
Child Safety Seats
I'm a firm believer in passenger safety while traveling in a vehicle. Especially when that passenger happens to be a child. I know that some children HATE their car seats, but in my view it is not an option, it's a must, just like driving with your lights on at night. I have found a few helpful sites online that have educated me and given me what I consider sound evidence and guidance on the particulars of vehicle safety for children. Questions in regards to infant car seats vs. convertible car seats vs. booster car seats, as well as when to use them, when not to, and how to use them are all answered on the following sites:
CPSafety - "Your Online Child Passenger Safety Resource"
My personal choice for car seats have been the Fisher-Price Safe Embrace seats that were sold in the late 90's and early 2000, as well as the Safe Voyage car seat. Unfortunately Fisher-Price no longer makes car seats so I am forced to search for alternatives as these seats expire. I suggest that when looking for a car seat that you do some research. It's not just a matter of protecting your wallet, but protecting your child's life as well. Cheap is not always better....
This is a topic of much debate in some circles. For me it was always a non-issue. I would not circumcise my boys. I've heard stories from both sides of the issue and am still secure in my choice not to have this procedure done to my boys. You may be interested in the websites below if you are still unsure about this choice you are making for your son.
National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers - "... founded by healthcare professionals to provide information to expectant parents, healthcare professionals, educators, lawyers, ethicists, and concerned individuals about circumcision and genital cutting of male, female, and intersex infants and children, genital integrity, and human rights."
AskDrSears - "The following are the most common questions we are asked about circumcision. The answers are intended to help you make an informed choice." (NOTE: you may need to enter the word "circumcision" in the search field to find the information I'm trying to share, it's well worth the effort)
Public Safety
I think that one of our greatest fears as parents is having our children, no matter the age, abducted, assaulted, or killed. Any combination of these three things sends sorrow to my heart and an ache in my arms. Never to know, or knowing, never to see, or seeing, never to hold, or holding a child that becomes a victim is a nightmare and heartache that no parent wants. I have found some resources that will better inform you as the parent, and your child/adolescent as to how to avoid and/or survive predators.
Child Safety - National Center for Missing & Exploited Children gives a lot of advice to parents and guardians. Look around and you'll find a lot of good advice.
The Safe Side - "The Safe Side is dedicated to making kids safer. In addition to publishing programs for kids and parents, the Company donates 10% of gross proceeds from distribution to The National Center For Missing & Exploited Children." - On a personal note here, I have checked this video out from the library and must say that I was impressed with it. It did a fine job of making their point without totally scaring my children. The video was well made and quite fun to watch. I feel it is appropriate for all ages, where some other videos would only reach an older audience.
Wearing Your Baby
For those who are able, I feel that baby wearing is a wise practice. Unfortunately I am not physically able to wear my children for long periods of time. Plus my babies never like being confined in a sling, they like having all of their limbs free to move. There are times, however, when I can strap my baby on for short periods of time. For those times I have a few slings to choose from. I currently have the
Baby Bjorn, the
Over The Shoulder Baby Holder (OTSBH), the
Moby Wrap, and the
New Native baby pouch. With my first I used the Bjorn a lot when she was very young. She was much lighter than my other children so I have not used it much since (plus I now have concerns about its safety for the baby). Once my baby is bigger we like using the OTSBH as a hip carry sling. I have only used my Moby Wrap a couple of times and must admit that it's the one I can wear the longest without any strain on my body. It does take a little getting used to, but it's worth it. Finally we have the New Native pouch sling, which fits perfectly in the matching bag I won at an auction. I probably never would have paid full price for the pair, but I have made a lot of use of it. The pouch sling is handy to have when there's a need to strap on a baby/toddler in a pinch. There are hundreds of slings out there, and some that are better for you and the baby than others. I suggest a bit of research before you purchase a sling. Sometimes it takes a few tries before you find one that fits you and the needs of your baby the best.