Preventing burn-out is a very vital goal in maintaining ones health and well-being. Finding a balance that fits you and your family situation will go a long way to a healthy and happy life. There are a lot of demands on our time, energy, and resources on any given day. We should always strive to find ways to make sure we do not "run faster than we have strength" and pace ourselves, have a reserve, and replenish as needed. It is okay to ask for help, it is okay to delegate, it is okay to say "no" if the scales are tipping too far towards the "burn-out" side. Planning ahead and being aware of potential pit-falls during the day/week can go a long way to being able to manage things in an orderly manner, even if things are still busy, they can feel more like organized chaos instead of just chaos. There are times in our life when things slow down a bit. It's important to fill that time with worthwhile activites, whether it's service to others, improving ourselves, or finding a relaxing activity that can rejuvenate us for the next rush of busyness. Allowing our spouse and children their own "me" time and making sure they understand that you need yours as well can go a long way to maintaining the peace and not allowing a build-up of stress to negatively affect the health and well-being of the family.

I am in a constant struggle to find balance, but as the years pass by I have learned to let go of some things and manage others in a way that feels balanced. One thing that is evident to me is that as soon as I think I have something figured out things change and I'm back to figuring it out again. If you think about it, these times of challenge and change are the times we grow as a person and family the most. What I have done with my time and energy has greatly shifted from the time of having just little ones, to a mix of little ones and growing children, to a mix of children and teenagers, to teenagers and young adults. Trying to take care of their varied needs while maintaining my own, and nurturing my marriage, has been an adventure with constantly shifting variables to consider. Some things that I have learned is that it's okay not to be the mom that volunteers at the school, or signs their child up for activities, or looks like she walked out of a fashion magazine, or has a company ready home, or whips up a batch of something for the bake sale, etc.... Those things can work for some, but not everyone can do that. We all need to figure out our limits and try to work within them, if life takes us beyond them then we need to re-evaluate the things in our life, get help where we can, and let go of things that are not vital. The biggest help of all for me is to make sure my relationship with God is in tact with daily prayer for guidance and my willingness to get up and work for what I believe He wants for me and my family.

During my research efforts I have come across some interesting websites and insights into maintaining a life of balance. There are a lot of ideas and suggestions that could be of use for both individuals and families. (07-2023 - broken links have been removed/replaced).


Planning and preparing what we put into our mouths can be one of the most frustrating and confusing things to figure out for those who are conscientious about such things.


Many people obsess about getting regular exercise. Being active is very important, but what that looks like for one may look completely different for another.


Preventing burn-out is a very vital goal in maintaining ones health and well-being. Finding a balance that fits you and your family situation will go a long way to a healthy and happy life.


There are many online, local, and published resources to research as you strive to find answers to your questions concerning personal and family health.