As a wife and mother it's easy to set aside my personal interests in regards to attaining knowledge of both a spiritual and secular nature. I know that God intends for us to continually learn and develop our talents while on this earth. Personally, I find that my tired body and mind has a difficult time retaining the things I try to learn, or prevents me from being motivated to develop my talents. I invest so much into my children and keeping my home in order that my personal interests more often than not are neglected. The key, as I've said before, is balance. I know that taking time for my personal development and learning is just as important as caring for my home and children (don't forget my husband). It's a tricky thing to keep it all in focus and not invest a substantial amount of time on one while letting the others collect a bit of dust. My education is extremely important and vital to my happiness, and my ability to take care of the other things in my life that I value beyond myself. All of the people in my life will benefit from my learning and from my talents. It's not a selfish thing to take some time from them for my personal education. When I take my learning and talents, then teach or serve using what I've worked so hard to gain, then that makes the hard work and time I invested in my education worth more to me, and to my God. Teaching and serving others is what life is all about. I can do that best by becoming my best through the gifts God has given me. I encourage everyone to work at being a little better in your talents and a little more learned every day. You will be blessed, as well as those you serve, starting with your family and friends, then perhaps your neighbors and community.
H e a l t h
O r g a n i z a t i o n
--Organize It
--Clean It
--Manage It
--Fix It
M o t h e r i n g
--In the Home
--In the School
--In the Community
--In the Church
E d u c a t i o n
--What I Read
--What I Watch
--What I Learn
--What I Do
S p i r i t u a l i t y
--I Will Listen
--I Will Learn
--I Will Labor
--I Will Love